Direct Debit Authority Request
EziDebit Pty Ltd
PayGate Pty Ltd
Split Payments Pty Ltd
EziDebit Pty Ltd
Direct Debit Request
You authorise and request Ezidebit Pty Ltd ACN 096 902 813 (Direct Debit User ID number 165969, 303909, 301203, 234040, 234072, 428198, 527371, 342199) to debit payments from your account at the bank which details you have provided at intervals and amounts as directed by FiFit Service Pty Ltd as per the terms and Conditions of your agreement with FiFit Services Pty Ltd (and if applicable Lender associated with the membership) “Business” in accordance with this Direct Debit Request and the EziDebit DDR Service Agreement.
DDR Service Agreement
I/We hereby authorise Ezidebit Pty Ltd ACN 096 902 813 (Direct Debit User ID number 165969, 303909, 301203, 234040, 234072, 428198, 527371) (herein referred to as “Ezidebit”) to make periodic debits on behalf of the “Business” as indicated on the attached Direct Debit Request (herein referred to as “the Business”).
I/We acknowledge that Ezidebit is acting as a Direct Debit Agent for the Business and that Ezidebit does not provide any goods or services (other than the direct debit collection services to me/us for the Business pursuant to the Direct Debit Request and this DDR Service Agreement) and has no express or implied liability in regards to the goods and services provided by the Business or the terms and conditions of any agreement that I/We have with the Business.
I/We acknowledge that the debit amount will be debited from my/our account according to the terms and conditions of my/our agreement with the Business and the terms and conditions of the Direct Debit Request (and specifically the Debit Arrangement and the Fees/Charges detailed in the Direct Debit Request) and this DDR Service Agreement.
I/We acknowledge that bank account and/or credit card details have been verified against a recent bank statement to ensure accuracy of the details provided and I/we will contact my/our financial institution if I/we are uncertain of the accuracy of these details.
I/We acknowledge that is my/our responsibility to ensure that there are sufficient cleared funds in the nominated account by the due date to enable the direct debit to be honoured on the debit date. Direct debits normally occur overnight, however transactions can take up to three (3) business days depending on the financial institution. Accordingly, I/we acknowledge and agree that sufficient funds will remain in the nominated account until the direct debit amount has been debited from the account and that if there are insufficient funds available, I/we agree that Ezidebit will not be held responsible for any fees and charges that may be charged by either my/our or its financial institution.
I/We acknowledge that there may be a delay in processing the debit if:
- There is a public or bank holiday on the day of the debit, or any day after the debit date;
- A payment request is received by Ezidebit on a day that is not a banking business day in QLD;
- A payment request is received after normal Ezidebit cut off times, being 3:00pm QLD time, Monday to Friday. Any payments that fall due on any of the above will be processed on the next business day.
I/We authorise Ezidebit to vary the amount of the payments from time to time as may be agreed by me/us and the Business as provided for within my/our agreement with the Business. I/We authorise Ezidebit to vary the amount of the payments upon receiving instructions from the Business of the agreed variations. I/We do not require Ezidebit to notify me/us of such variations to the debit amount.
I/We acknowledge that Ezidebit is to provide at least 14 days’ notice if it proposes to vary any of the terms and conditions of the Direct Debit Request or this DDR Service Agreement including varying any of the terms of the debit arrangements between us.
I/We acknowledge that I/we will contact the Business if I/we wish to alter or defer any of the debit arrangements.
I/We acknowledge that any request by me/us to stop or cancel the debit arrangements will be directed to the Business.
I/We acknowledge that any disputed debit payments will be directed to the Business and/or Ezidebit. If no resolution is forthcoming, I/we agree to contact my/our financial institution.
I/We acknowledge that if a debit is returned by my/our financial institution as unpaid, a failed payment fee may be payable by me/us to Ezidebit. Where a failed payment fee is applicable, the amount will be as detailed in the Debit Arrangement of the Direct Debit Request. I/We will also be responsible for any fees and charges applied by my/our financial institution for each unsuccessful debit attempt together with any collection fees, including but not limited to any solicitor fees and/or collection agent fee as may be incurred by Ezidebit.
I/We authorise Ezidebit to attempt to re-process any unsuccessful payments as advised by the Business.
I/We acknowledge that certain fees and charges (including setup, variation, SMS or processing fees) may apply to the Direct Debit Request and may be payable to Ezidebit and subject to my/our agreement with the Business agree to pay those fees and charges to Ezidebit
Credit Card Payments
I/We acknowledge that “Ezidebit” will appear as the merchant for all payments from my/our credit card. I/We acknowledge and agree that Ezidebit will not be held liable for any disputed transactions resulting in the non-supply of goods and/or services and that all disputes will be directed to the Business as Ezidebit is acting only as a Direct Debit Agent for the Business.
I/We acknowledge that Credit Card Fees are a minimum of the Transaction Fee or the Credit Card Fee, whichever is greater as detailed on the Direct Debit Request.
I/We appoint Ezidebit as my/our exclusive agent with regard to the control, management and protection of my/our personal information (relating to the Business and contained in this DDR Service Agreement). I/We irrevocably authorise Ezidebit to take all necessary action (which Ezidebit deems necessary) to protect and/or correct, if required, my/our personal information, including (but not limited to) correcting account numbers and providing such information to relevant third parties and otherwise disclosing or allowing access to my/our personal information to third parties in accordance with the Ezidebit Privacy Policy. Other than as provided in this Agreement or the Ezidebit Privacy Policy, Ezidebit will keep your information about your nominated account at the financial institution private and confidential unless this information is required to investigate a claim made relating to an alleged incorrect or wrongful debit, to be referred to a debt collection agency for the purposes of debt collection or as otherwise required or permitted by law. Ezidebit’s Privacy Policy can be found at
I/We hereby irrevocably authorise, direct and instruct any third party who holds/stores my/our personal information (relating to the Business and contained in this DDR Service Agreement) to release and provide such information to Ezidebit on my/our written request.
I/We authorise:
- Ezidebit to verify and/or correct, if necessary, details of my/our account with my/our financial institution; and
- my/our financial institution to release information allowing Ezidebit to verify my/our account details.
Po Box 3327
Newstead, QLD 4006
Ph: (07) 3124 5500 Fax: (07) 3124 5555
PayGate Pty Ltd
Direct Debit Request
I/we authorise PayGate, as the Debit User, User ID number 314753, to make withdrawals from my/our nominated account as determined by the centre named above. PayGate, as the Debit User, acts as the billing agent for the centre named above and the service is administrative only and does not extend to the provision of any service or benefits provided by the centre named above.
Direct Debit Request Service Agreement
- PayGate (Debit User) will debit the bank account / credit card nominated in the Schedule of this Direct Debit Request as specified. The Debit User may, by prior arrangement and advice to me/us vary the amount or frequency of future
- Should the original terms & conditions of this authority need to be varied a minimum of fourteen days notice will be provided by the business to you. Queries arising as a result of any such variation must be notified to PayGate two working days prior to the debit date the variation would
- Deferment or alteration (written or verbal) by the customer to the debiting schedule will be considered subject to the terms and conditions of any agreement between you and the business named in this Direct Debit Request for whom PayGate (Debit User) acts on behalf
- If a debit item is disputed PayGate (Debit User) or your Financial Institution must be notified immediately. PayGate will endeavour to resolve this matter within Industry agreed time Disputed debit items resolved in favour of PayGate will incur an administration fee.
- Direct debiting through BECS is not available on all accounts. You are advised to check your account details against a recent statement from your financial institution. If uncertain, you should check with your financial institution before completing the
- When a debit day falls on a weekend and/or a national public holiday all debits for that weekend or national public holiday will be processed on the PREVIOUS WORKING DAY. If unsure, you should contact PayGate (Debit User).
- PayGate may, under certain provisions of the “Privacy Act 1988” give information about you to a credit reporting agency. This information will be limited to repayments which are overdue pursuant to the terms and conditions of any contractual agreement between you and the business named in this Direct Debit Request and for which debt collection has started. You “The Customer” may be liable for any costs associated with the recovery of your overdue account, this may include, but is not limited to the following; legal fees, interest and mercantile agency collection
- It is your responsibility to ensure cleared funds are available in your nominated bank account/credit card to meet the direct debit If a debit is returned unpaid by your financial institution, you will be responsible for payment of the debit plus an additional $15.00 for return fees and administrative costs incurred by PayGate (Debit User). If PayGate (Debit User) has not received instruction to the contrary from you, we will debit both the next due payment and any overdue amounts on your next scheduled debit date.
- This authority shall stand pursuant to the terms and conditions of any contractual agreement between you and business named in this Direct Debit The administration only of this authority is conducted by PayGate (Debit User) acting as a billing agent for the business. The services provided by PayGate are administrative only and do not extend to the provision of any services or benefits provided by the business / centre. This authority shall be interpreted and enforced pursuant to the laws of the state of Queensland.
- To stop or cancel a direct debit it is recommended that you contact the business named in this Direct Debit Request in the first instance. The terms and conditions or any agreement between you and the business for whom PayGate (Debit User) acts on behalf of must be complied with. However, if a dispute occurs between you and the business all enquiries regarding a stop or cancellation of a direct debit should be directed to either PayGate (Debit User) or your own financial
- Collected funds are held in trust until disbursement. In event of fraud where PayGate is not at fault, PayGate will be free of any legal liability.
- No account records or account details will be disclosed to any person or persons except where such information is required in connection with any claim relating to an alleged incorrect or wrongful
- All enquiries in relation to refunds must be directed to the business named in this Direct Debit
- In signing this Direct Debit Request, I /we accept the conditions outlined in PayGate’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) in its entirety. PayGate (Debit User) will email the PDS to me/us and, if this is not received, I/we acknowledge that I/we have accessed, read and understood the PDS on the PayGate website: Paysmart PDS
Split Payments Pty Ltd
Terms and Conditions of Split Payments Direct Debit Request (DDR)
You request and authorise Split Payments Pty Ltd (User ID 492448, 543948) to arrange, through its own financial institution, a debit to your nominated account any amount Split Payments Pty Ltd, has deemed payable by you.
This debit or charge will be made through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) from your account held at the financial institution you have nominated below and will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Direct Debit Request Service Agreement.
Terms and Conditions of Split Payments Direct Debit Request (DDR) Service Agreement
- INITIAL TERMS Split Payments will debit your nominated account for the amounts and at the frequency of payments as agreed between us on the Split Payments DDR Contract authorised and accepted by you.
- CHANGE OF TERMS Terms may be changed immediately with the approval of the Payment Initiator or within the parameters of the Digital Agreement issued by the Payment Initiator and approved by the User. This is managed through the Split Payments Platform.
- DEFERRING OR STOPPING A PAYMENT Should you wish to defer a payment to another date you must contact the Payment Initiator before the date of that payment to request the deferment. Deferments are entirely at the discretion of the Payment Initiator. You may request to stop an individual payment through the Split Payments platform however you will still be liable to make this payment to the Payment Initiator.
- ALTERING THE SCHEDULE Should you wish to alter the payment frequency or Day to Debit contact the Payment Initiator. Altering schedule is solely at the discretion of the Payment Initiator. The Payment Initiator may charge a fee for this service. The Payment Initiator shall notify you of these fees. Any changes made will not affect the total amount you would otherwise have paid over the minimum term of your Contract.
- CANCELLING THE PAYMENTS You can cancel this Direct Debit Request Authority at any time through the Split Payments platform. Cancellation of the authority to debit your account will not terminate your contract or remove your liability to make the payments you have agreed to with the Payment Initiator.
- DISPUTES If you dispute any debit payment, you must notify the Payment Initiator immediately. The Payment Initiator will respond to your dispute within 7 working days and will immediately refund the amount of the debit if they are not able to substantiate the reason for it. If you do not receive a satisfactory response from the Payment Initiator to your dispute, contact Split Payments who will respond to you with an answer to your claim within 5 business days if your claim is lodged within 12 months of the disputed drawing, or within 30 business days if your claim is lodged after 12 months from the disputed drawing.
- BUSINESS DAYS When the day to debit falls on a weekend or public holiday the debit will be initiated on the next working day.
- DISHONOURED PAYMENTS It is your responsibility to ensure that on the due date clear funds are available in your nominated account to meet the direct debit payment. Should your payment be dishonoured, you authorise Split Payments to debit your account when clear funds become available in your nominated bank account.
- ENQUIRIES Enquiries may be directed to
- 10.YOUR OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES In addition to those already mentioned, you are responsible for ensuring that your nominated account is able to accept direct debits. If it is not, it is your responsibility to provide Split Payments with a new account number.